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European Chapter

We are dedicated to the global advancement of fluorescence image-guided surgery through clinical practice, education, and the promotion of basic and clinical research.

Through our annual conference, webinars, social media, and continuous educational efforts, ISFGS is committed to providing educational programs around the globe.

European Chapter Board

Alex Vahrmeijer MD, PhD, FRCS (Eng.), EBSQ


Surgical Oncologist & HPB Surgeon at Leiden University Medical Center

Ugo Marchese, MD


Department of Hepatobiliary, Pancreatic and Endocrine Surgery, Cochin Hospital, Assistance
publique-hôpitaux de Paris, University of Paris, 27 rue du Faubourg Saint-Jacques, 75014, Paris,

Michele Diana, MD

Scientific Director of IRCAD. 
Professor, University of Strasbourg , France

Thomas Carus, MD

Chief Surgeon. Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery
Hamburg, Germany

Sylke Schneider-Koriath, MD

General, Visceral and Bariatric surgery Klinikum Südstadt. Rostock, Germany

Giuseppe Spinoglio MD, FACS

FPO Candolo Institute I.R.C.C.S. Turin, Italy

Laurents Stassen, MD, PhD

Professor of GI Surgery. Department of Surgery. Maastricht University The Netherlands

Alexander Vahrmeijer, MD

Leiden University Medical Center. Leiden, The Netherlands

Rutger Schols, MD PhD FEBOPRAS

Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Hand Surgery
Maastricht University Medical Center

Daniel Rosenthal, MD

Head, Spine Section. Hochtaunuskliniken. Bad Homburg, Germany

Dr Panagiotis Lainas MD PhD

Department of Surgery, Metropolitan Hospital, Athens, Greece

Stefano Giuliani  MD, PhD

Division of Specialist Neonatal and Paediatric Surgery. Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children. London, UK

Manish Chand  MD, PhD

Professor of Surgery. Director of Advanced MIS Programme. UCL, Lomdon UK

Harald Krentel, MD

Director, Department of Gynecology, Obstetrics and Gynecological Oncology,Bethesda Hospital Duisburg, Germany


Academisch Medisch Centrum and Emma. Kinderziekenhuis AMC Amsterdam, Netherlands

Past President

Luigi Boni, MD, FACS


Professor of Surgery University of Milan. Chief of General & Minimally Invasive Surgery. Fondazione IRCCS – Ca’ Granda – Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico. University of Milan Milan, Italy

Founding and Premier Sponsor

Gold Sponsors